Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

The Sick Used to Die - Mises Institute

Quote of the month!! ;-)

"Alas, it seems that ignorance continues to be a renewable resource ..."

The Sick Used to Die - Mises Institute: "As more and more Chinese attain standards of living and wealth that approach what has been known as middle-class in the developed world, they are discovering a 'luxury' not previously known to them: chronic disabling illness.

I remember when such matters first came to my awareness at the tender age of twelve, on a family visit to Canada. I remarked to my father, a man who understood and cherished free markets and freedom itself, on how healthy all the Canadians looked. Handicapped parking places hadn't yet been invented, but it looked as though they wouldn't have been needed in Canada anyway.
Alas, it seems that ignorance continues to be a renewable resource..."

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